Brickwork modification

Once we finished the roof vents we went and stood in the back garden to see how they looked. The roof vents looked OK but we had a bit of shock when we noticed that some of the brickwork above the RHS sliding doors had been re-done.

Until then we hadn’t noticed the difference in height between the beam above the LHS door and the beam above the RHS door. Now that the brickwork was being changed so that the bricks were laid vertically, it has made it stand out more. It looks like the beam above the RHS door has been put in half a brick too high and there is quite a large gap between the beam and the door frame.

We are not happy about the difference between the two doors as they look very uneven. We spoke to the Site supervisor to see what was going on with the brickwork at the back of the house. He said that the Brick inspector told the bricklayers to re-lay the brickwork above the RHS door because of the amount of mortar between the beam and the bricks. We pointed out that the beam on the RHS looks half a brick higher than the one on the LHS. He told us that the engineer states the gap required between the doorframe and the beam. The gap will be covered over with a piece of trim. We asked if the LHS would be changed as well to make it the same and he said yes. We are not totally convinced this will happen though as it seems like it will be a lot of work to change the LHS brickwork. We will probably have to seek a second opinion as to whether this is acceptable or not. To us it just doesn’t look right.

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