Site levelled

Went past our block today and noticed the site had been levelled. This was good to see as not much had been done for the past two weeks. We spoke to one of our neighbours and she told us it was done on Saturday.


Anonymous said...

Coming along well then Appleheadz. When is it due for completion??

Sam said...

Your block doesn't look that slopey at all. Hope everything goes as planned. Good luck!

The Appleheadz said...

Hi Will, all going well should be finished before Christmas. But these things don't always tend to go that well so probably early next year. Sorry we can't promise you a room to stay in just yet.

The Appleheadz said...

Hi Sam, yep the block doesn't have much of a slope. The house we were looking to knock down originally had a very steep slope to the side so we dicided against it due to the extra site costs.

Good luck with your house too!